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Invasive Species

A natural ecosystem comprised of native species, and in some cases non-native or non-invasive foreign species, works in an intricate balance, maintaining harmony for the animals, plants, and environment. When foreign plants or animals are deemed invasive, the presence of the that species has posed a severe threat to the foundation of the ecosystem and its natural processes. 


Click the button below to read about the dozen invasive species in the Georgian Bay area that are endangering the natural processes of the food web, and as a result, altering the environment.

Invasive Species in the Great Lakes

Ornamental Grasses

Planting native grasses and other plants is extremely helpful to the ecosystem, and not planting invasive species is crucial for stopping the spread of those species.

Invasive Phragmites

Watch our presentation on invasive Phragmites and developments in research and management as part of the Invasive Species Centre's 2023 Invasive Species Forum.


Check out these links for more information on how to prevent the spread of invasive species in Ontario

  • Clean Equipment Protocol for land vehicles and construction vehicles from the Ontario Invasive Plant Council website. 

  • Clean boats protocol from the Invading Species Awareness Program.

  • Call or report your sightings at the Invading Species Hotline at 1-800-563-7711 or via email at

  • Sign up for the new Invasive Species Tracking System and mobile app for Android and Apple devices. EDDMapS Ontario is a fast and easy way to map invasive species without any technical expertise. Users simply take a picture with their mobile device and report from where they are standing. Visit to register and report your sighting.

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