One of the original pillars of Georgian Bay Forever is to educate the public about threats to the environment, and to provide effective, practical solutions. When people are given up-to-date, objective information and real-world applications of knowledge, they become empowered to make effective and positive choices for the benefit of nature and their communities.

All Too Clear: Rebuilding the Great Lakes, is an documentary that explores the effects of invasive quagga mussels on the Great Lakes aquatic ecosystem. Georgian Bay Forever is the primary Canadian funder.

We host outings for children, with activities including stencilling a RAIN ONLY symbol next to storm drains and canvassing door to door with information packets about waste water infrastructure and the effects of common litter in the streets.
We educate middle school children about the importance of the food web in freshwater ecosystems by spawning brook trout in aquariums set up in classrooms, effectively bringing the often unseen lives of fishes to the forefront.

Providing students with scientific research activities designed to help them gain a deeper understanding of biodiversity and the watersheds of Georgian Bay and the surrounding area.